Further information and advice has been amended:-
For your information we draw your attention to the following extracts from the Norwich City Local Plan, which would appear to be in complete contradiction to the proposed redevelopment.
The development of educational and training establishments will be permitted, subject to the capacity of their sites, an assessment of the environmental impact of further significant development and the need to provide accommodation for full-time students.
Description of EMP19
Education and Training Establishments
5.65 Each of the main educational establishments is subject to constraints on the capacity of their sites to accommodate further growth and development. The University campus is covered specifically by policy EMP20. City College has grown over recent years and its main site (at Ipswich Road) is now very intensively developed. Any further development of a significant scale here would be likely to have a detrimental impact on adjoining uses and the remaining amenity open space within the site, as well as causing capacity problems in terms of access, parking and movement in the vicinity of the site. The City Council would wish to encourage both City College and the University to consider providing for some of their future growth needs in the City – as part of the regeneration of the inner areas of the City. Such a direction of expansion would enable the University to establish beneficial partnerships with other bodies in the City. It would also conform to the policies for sustainable development, as students and many staff would find an expansion site outside the City to be less accessible.
5.66 The need for provision of accommodation arises where development would increase the numbers of students (and staff) attracted to Norwich. At present levels, the educational establishments already cause significant problems for certain sectors of the housing market – particularly in the areas south and west of the City Centre and in those sectors offering relatively cheap small scale accommodation. Development which would affect the accommodation position in this way, should only be considered if it includes (or makes alternative provision for) a significant proportion of the students likely to be attracted. This should amount to at least one third of the new students attracted to Norwich.
[Relates to Resource Objectives: Diverse and Competitive Economy (iii); Labour Market (i)]
Development of high technology industries and research facilities will be accepted in association with the city’s education establishments and permitted at locations in proximity to the University or City College, subject to environmental criteria and the criteria at EMP16 (b), (c) and (d). Development for high technology or research and development uses outside defined centres will be limited to those which can demonstrate a need to locate in proximity to both the University and Norwich Research Park or alternatively City College and controlled to uses in the Use Class B1 (b).
Description of EMP18
5.64 Policy EMP18 provides some exemption from the PPG6 and Local Plan sequential test criteria, provided a developer can justify the links between the proposal and the high technology and research facilities of the existing educational and research institutions. Development of any site should ensure that adequate provision is made for access by road and public transport between the site and the University or college.
[Relates to Resource Objectives: Diverse and Competitive Economy (ii) and (iii); Land Supply (ii); Labour Market (i) and (ii)]
Proposals for small scale business development will be permitted within appropriate areas of the city, including the City Centre and residential areas, provided that:
(i) there is no significant adverse environmental impact and, in residential areas, the residential character and amenity of the area are maintained;(ii) development is not piecemeal in character and does not prejudice the possible future development of a larger site;(iii) development is not over-intensive;(iv) the site is accessible to non-car users;(v) it will not result in an unsatisfactory form of development in terms of access, parking, loading and unloading of vehicles or safety and security for the business concerned or for visitors.
Proposals involving the development of managed workspace which promotes open access for small firms will also be accepted in accordance with these criteria.
Description of EMP1
5.14 Policy EMP1 is consistent with the emphasis of the Housing Chapter on providing for mixed use development. It will also encourage the development of community-based jobs in areas of the city, where these are particularly needed. It provides for offices and light industrial uses of up to 1,500 square metres. It allows for such employment development within District or Local Shopping Centres, where these have good accessibility, provided development is consistent with policies SHO14 and SHO15. The criteria to be met are similar to those previously used under the general employment policy of the previously adopted Local Plan. Environmental impact is intended to be assessed in local terms including the impact on neighbouring uses and under any of the environmental policies of this Plan. In residential areas such changes can be detrimental to the character of the area (together with other uses such as residential homes and service uses). As a rule of thumb, the conversion of some 20% of residential properties in any given street frontage is around the maximum beyond which the character of an area is likely to be changed. It is important that small scale business development does not frustrate the larger proposals elsewhere in this plan. In some cases it will be necessary to ensure that future changes, which may create conditions detrimental to the area or neighbouring uses, can be adequately controlled. Consequently, conditions may be imposed on planning permissions for small business development, where appropriate, to ensure that changes of use or future growth of the business do not infringe these criteria.
5.15 Managed workspaces have the advantage for small businesses of providing some property services and, potentially, wider access to information technology and other resources without requiring major investment by the developing firm. Such developments will be particularly encouraged to cater for those needs.
[Relates to Resource Objectives: Quality of Life (i) and (iii), Sustainable Accessibility (ii); Diverse and Competitive Economy (ii)]
Proposals for expansion of existing businesses will be permitted, provided that:
(i) there is no adverse environmental or visual impact, taking particular account of the character of any residential areas or other adjoining uses;(ii) development is not over-intensive in relation to the capacity of access, parking facilities and services to the site;(iii) the proposal will not result in an unsatisfactory form of development in terms of access, parking, loading and unloading of vehicles or safety and security for the business concerned or for visitors.
Description of EMP2
Growth of Existing Businesses
5.16 In general, the City Council would wish to support the growth of existing businesses, as appropriate to the areas within which they are sited. There are obvious constraints in many parts of the City, which may prevent larger scale expansion and the City Council will work with firms seeking such expansion to identify appropriate suitable sites where this can be accommodated.
5.17 Policy EMP2 is intended to deal with expansion of businesses in situ and primarily within their own sites. If larger areas are to be incorporated, then other Local Plan polices (e.g. relating to designation as open space or proposals for housing development) may need to be considered. Criteria are similar to those in policy EMP1. Visual amenity is an additional consideration, since extensions to businesses should not be allowed to become over-dominant in relation to smaller scale neighbouring buildings. Other Local Plan policies relating to parking provision and amenity will also apply.
Proposals for office development will be assessed in accordance with the sequential test, and will be permitted in accordance with the following locational criteria and order of precedence:
Major office development (over 2,000 square metres gross) will be permitted:
(i) In the City centre, on the following identified sites:
• Botolph Street/Pitt Street [EMP16.1 – 0.6 ha]• Greyfriars Road/Rose Lane [EMP16.2 – 0.6 ha]• Whitefriars/Barrack Street (Part NJP) [EMP16.3 – 2.8 ha]
(ii) On other sites within and adjacent to the City Centre;(iii) Outside the City Centre, in the prime employment areas identified under Policy EMP4, subject to the developer being able to demonstrate an essential operational requirement which cannot be met by development on sites within or on the edge of the City Centre.
Smaller scale office development (under 2,000 square metres gross) will be permitted:
• In the City centre, where consistent with Policies SHO10, SHO11 and HOU16;• In all employment areas defined under Policies EMP4, EMP5 and EMP8;• In other locations where it is associated with existing firms already in the area which are expanding or adapting their own activities.
Office development of whatever scale accepted under the above criteria will only be permitted where:
a) the office development forms part of an appropriate mix of uses on the site (particularly in the Centre);b) the development is of a suitable design, scale, height and mass to be compatible with its surroundings;c) the developer submits a green transport plan, provides an appropriate contribution to meeting the transport requirements of the area and provides for easy pedestrian and cycle access;d) provision is made for access for employees and members of the public who are disabled.
Description of EMP16
Office Development
5.57 Whilst the above policies deal generally with all employment uses, including offices, there are specific problems and issues concerning the office sector which need separate consideration. There is approximately 450,000 sq.m. of office floorspace in the City Centre. The last published monitor of vacancies showed that around 8% of this floorspace (37,000 sq.m.) was vacant at February 2001. A further 41,800 sq.m. of office development is permitted, but the majority of this has not been implemented over a long period. If alternative proposals come forward which have a better chance of being implemented, the City Council will look favourably at these.
5.58 The City Centre remains the major commercial employment centre in the area. Within the City’s office stock, a large number of leases came up for renewal during the period 2000 to 2002. It was feared that this could be the occasion for further premises to become vacant, as occupiers seek enhanced conditions and services. Nevertheless, the reviews to date do not appear to have had such an impact and the office market has improved after several years of low demand. Changing trends within the office sector has meant that some premises are no longer appropriate for modern-day requirements and although there is potential for refurbishment in some cases, the suitability of some older office buildings for conversion to other uses may still need to be considered during the Plan period. The Housing Capacity Study identified a number of office buildings (vacant for a number of years) as suitable for conversion to housing, but some of these have since been occupied on renegotiated leases for office purposes, testifying to the continuing strength of the City centre office market in spite of a strong demand for housing sites.
5.59 This Review envisages that any further significant office development will be in the Centre – and indeed PPG6 now requires that major office development be subject to the sequential test and located in centres by preference. Policy EMP16 provides for this test to be applied to major office developments. (For details of how the sequential test is applied refer to the City Centre Chapter, paragraphs 12.96 to 12.97).
5.60 A Commercial Office Area is identified in the City Centre Chapter for convenience of reference. In addition there are substantial offices in the Anglia Square/St Crispins sub-area. Development may be permitted elsewhere in the Centre under policy EMP16. Major office development is defined as schemes in excess of 2,000 sq. metres gross floorspace.
5.61 The policy allows for development outside the Centre associated with expansion or change in existing firms for their own purposes. There are a series of criteria to be satisfied by office development generally. These have not changed significantly from the previous adopted policy (E7), except in respect of the transport requirements (clause (iii)), where they reflect the new emphasis on reducing employees’ use of private cars for commuter journeys and the need for contributions to be used for a package of measures in the Centre to ensure that the wide range of issues are addressed according to priority. Further details of this approach are contained in policies TRA11 and TRA24.
[Relates to Resource Objectives: Land Resources (ii); Quality of Life (iii); Sustainable Accessibility (i) and (ii); Identity (iii); Diverse and Competitive Economy (ii) and (iii); Land Supply (ii)]